The Intended Parents, along with their doctor/reproductive endocrinologist, will determine the surrogacy option that will increase their chances of success. When an Egg Donor is needed, the process is very similar to that involved when the Intended Mother uses her own eggs – at least in terms of the cycle (egg retrieval and transfer). In addition to reviewing the below definitions, please view our page outlining the different types of egg donation.

Gestational Surrogacy – In this case, there is no biological connection between the Surrogate and the baby/ies she is carrying.  A Gestational Surrogate becomes pregnant via the IVF procedure, in which the eggs of the Intended Mother (or Egg Donor) and the sperm of the Intended Father (or a Sperm Donor) create embryos. A Gestational Surrogate is considered the “birth mother” of the child/ren; however, she is not the genetic mother. If the Intended Mother can provide her own eggs, there is a strong likelihood that Gestational Surrogacy will be the preferred option. The appeal, as mentioned above, is that both parents will have the opportunity to share their genetics with their future child/ren.

Gestational Surrogacy with Egg Donation – Even when the Intended Mother cannot provide her own eggs, for many Intended Parents, the choice will still be Gestational Surrogacy and Egg Donation.  In this case, the embryo is created with an Egg Donor’s eggs and the Intended Father’s (or a Sperm Donor’s sperm) and the transfer into the Surrogate is carried out in the same way it would be if both of the Intended Parent’s genetics created the embryos. Thus, the Surrogate has no biological connection to the child she is carrying, just as she wouldn’t if the Intended Mother’s eggs had been provided.